Black Gate Review of Sorcerer Rising
Donald Crankshaw over at Black Gate has reviewed Sorcerer Rising. This is my first editorial review, gotta say I’m pretty happy.
I bought a camera
I’ve finally bought a camera and have been testing it out. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at risus at lacus laoreet mollis sed id elit. Integer bibendum lobortis velit, eleifend commodo dui facilisis nec. Aliquam mi sapien, ultrices a ultrices non, sodales ut diam. Fusce semper risus eu magna placerat pulvinar. Nullam ac odio non ligula semper auctor. Fusce semper risus eu magna placerat pulvinar. “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” Nullam ac odio non ligula semper auctor. Fusce semper risus eu magna placerat pulvinar. Nullam ac odio non ligula semper auctor. Aenean at dui dui, non scelerisque nisi. Morbi ullamcorper dapibus nisl, ullamcorper fringilla eros pulvinar et. Nulla rhoncus elementum rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque a erat velit, venenatis porttitor mauris. Fusce semper risus eu magna placerat pulvinar. Nullam ac odio non ligula…
FayTown Calling
A reader emailed me over the weekend asking about the next novel (If you heard a high pitched sound, it was me squealing like a schoolgirl). I’ve been looking for an excuse to do this, so I am going to go ahead an announce Virgil’s next story. Book 2 will be title FayTown Calling. This is the blurb: In Sorcerer Rising, Virgil McDane chased the Arcus, found its end, even lived to tell the tale. Now he has returned home to build his life anew, a Sorcerer in skill as well as name. But his world is a dangerous one and it has not let him go yet. He has ventured across the world, seen arcane civilizations and supernatural entities, but Mare City itself will prove an even greater challenge. In a world filled with monsters and magic, his home is no exception, and by far its most mysterious aspect…