November 2015

Inside Out

One of the things I don’t usually get to do is go to the movies, so whenever I finally get around to watching one, it’s usually only after it’s been out for a while. My wife working tonight, so my son and I checked out Inside Out. The last major Disney/Pixar thing I saw was either Frozen or Big Hero 6. Frozen, for all that everyone made about it, was kind of a letdown. Don’t get me wrong, the animation was fantastic, and I really enjoy most of the characters, but I’d kinda been expecting more due to the hype. I really like the twist, a lot, but the really big deal seemed to come from the way it flipped certain standard Disney conventions on its head. Great job, but, I think there were some other gaps. Also, lots and lots (and LOTS) of singing. Music is a big part…

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NaNoWriMo Day 15

One more day, minor writing only. Had to walk through some things with my project plan, helped identify what sections I still need work on. I can’t help but want to throw my hands up in the air every time I look at my chapter list and all the color coding that I have now (which I have expanded, now have green for chapters that need to be trimmed int he future and those that need to be removed entirely). But I’m not. Keeping on writing, day by day, and keeping this updated. Build momentum, get it done. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

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