November 2015

NaNoWriMo Day 3

Tuesdays suck. No writing. Update: 11:09 HA! Found some time I didn’t think I was going to have. Wrote out a scene that I am very, very happy with. Fleshed out a villain that I know I want to be horrible, and build up for…things…but hand’t had the chance. Now I have a pretty damn good display of what a monster he is. Four sections for this week, this knocks out about half of the first one. That’s a slow pace, I realize, but I anticipate most of my writing time being on the weekend so I feel like I am on track. And like I said, very happy with this scene.

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NaNoWriMo Day 2

Long day. Writing this post from my phone, which is a new experience. Wrote a bit in the morning, work, wrote tonight as well. Not able to get started until late, shaking off some rust, hard getting started both times, but started to get into the groove. By then was keeping people up, but at least figured out how I want to start this first red mark. Plan on making more significant headway tomorrow. Will update.

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Taking Stock

In my day job, project management is a huge thing we stress. My employer has a variety of methodologies and processes to ensure projects remain on schedule and reach their desired outcome. They all have acronyms and flowcharts and a lot of other stuff that’s probably trademarked, but the first step in a lot of those processes is to first take a step back and assess the situation. So, taking stock. Got out the old cork board and wrote down each and every one of the chapters or chapter stand ins I have in Scrivener. Comes to 36. That’s high level, a lot of these will get separated or combined and it will come out to a number I like better. After that, I categorized everything into blue, yellow, or red. All of the cards I marked as blue are the sections that I’m good with. They need polish, but…

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November Update: NaNoWriMo

Ugh, this is only the third post this year. I would start with some big, philosophical heartfelt communication about writing and creativity and discipline, but I think that’s mainly what the other two were. I’m tired of doing that (though I bet this post shifts toward that in the end). So here is where we are. FayTown Calling continues. Writing progress is painfully slow, mainly due to inconsistency. It’s been a busy year, my job, wife’s nursing school, the progeny, blah, blah, blah. Look, if you have read this blog at all, you know I’m busy and that’s why the second novel still hasn’t come out. All those things are true (though my wife is now officially done with school and I COULD NOT BE PROUDER!!!) but it’s real easy to use life as an excuse. I wish I could say all my free time was going toward writing, but it’s…

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