Welcome to the New Year!

Hello all, it has been awhile! At least since I posted anything here. If you are a regular visitor to this site, you know that for the most part it has always just been a hub. All my posts have always been over on Story Arcs (the tab up there next to news). That’s going to change going forward. First, an explanation. I am an author, I published my first book Sorcerer Rising Aug. 12, 2013. I did it myself, self publishing through KDP. When I started Story Arcs I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with it but it quickly became a collection of publishing information, both as a way to seek info from the WordPress verse but also so I could help those looking for info themselves. As that continue, and because I just can’t keep quiet about things I enjoy, it also began to include…

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Sorcerer Rising is Live!

You know, I made this news page and then failed to announce that…. That’s partly because I have the blog. I’ve been writing all about Sorcerer Rising over there. If you want more info, behind the scenes, or any of my other rantings either click that tab that says blog or click here. Also, if you are interested in checking out Sorcerer Rising, it is on Amazon for 2.99.

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New Blog

Okay, I am trying something new. One thing I miss about being hosted on WordPress.com was the community and the integrated distribution channel they had for posts. I think it would be great for WordPress to make jetpack link posts to the blogging community, but maybe that is more difficult than I imagine. Since this blog doesn’t have too much readership (all my fault) I am going back to using The Old Story Arcs as the main blog, which is now the new link up at the top that says blog. This page will now be a news section for my books when that day comes. Everything else will remain the same, this is still my page for the books and all that info. I don’t know how well this will work or if there are obstacles I am not accounting for. Probably both, but I feel that not taking…

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