My goals for the weekend are as follows: Ten thousand words. A lot of writers would say this is a lofty goal. Others would say this is a low goal. Either way, I’m trying to push my boundaries. A plan. I want goals set up for the summer. I know I want the following, but am unsure how each will fall. First book published Second book first draft completed Third book started Certain amount of short stories I really want to rent The Last of Us as well but I’m going to resist that to make sure I get things done. I didn’t write much last weekend or this week at all. Sometimes you just need to buckle down.
Keith Cronin wrote a great post on Writer Unboxed (that I just now caught up to on Feedly) about profanity in writing. It covers most of the bases, but I had some thoughts to add as well. My writing has some language in it, the f-bomb or damn most often. It’s a part of my character. He is a man of the world and has a temper that often times gets the best of him. That’s part of this character. But he is also from the South, and he’s well educated. There is a time and a place for language, and that plays into the when he says what. He doesn’t cuss around women, most of the time, because that’s how he was raised. He doesn’t use the Lord’s name in vain (Because my mother and mother in law are reading this) because he grew up Catholic and that influenced…
Pretty big news from our neighbors to the north via Passive Voice. Unsure of the demographics involved here (Canadian authors, self published authors, residency requirements on all of that) but it sets a solid precedent for the U.S.
Below is one of my favorite posts from the old Story Arcs. Enjoy! I was looking for something to blog about today and couldn’t think of anything. Than got me thinking about this weekend when I was trying to work through a story component and couldn’t move any further. In the end, I solved it because I started thinking on certain things and that led to some story ideas that I had been pursuing and before long I was ping ponging between plot points, ideas, and myths until I had the whole scene figured out. Now, what was I thinking about? Mythology. What kind? I’ll get to that in a minute. The first point I want to make is the value of those stories that came before us. Way before us. Everything from Beowulf to to fairy tales to Olympus. A lot of these are tales we’ve been telling for…
Didn’t write last night much, about a thousand words after getting home from an MBA class. I liked what I generated though. I’m kind of in a weird spot right now and having a hard time pushing through this part of the story. It was a moment where things just kind of jumped off the rails (literally, actually) and now I was driving the story in a direction I hadn’t anticipated. With a character I hadn’t planned on. But this is how it always is for me when I’m creating new content. Transitions are difficult for me and are usually doe on the second run through, like seams. Dialogue, much to my shame, is also a difficult part to handle in these moments, especially when they’re are more than two characters. That’s something I’m trying to work on as an author as a whole. So now, I’m just writing the…