One Year of Being Published
My mother in law reads this blog (she’ll get a kick out of this), so I can’t use the expletives I wanted to when I realized what day it was. One year ago, I clicked submit and began funneling Sorcerer Rising through the process of being published on Amazon through KDP. That was a big friggin’ day for me. I spent the night prior polishing and getting things ready, then spent that Sunday writing out six and a half thousand words (a record for me until a couple months ago). That was one of my best writing sessions, those words went into the book with almost no editing and are a couple of my favorite scenes in the whole book. I spent Sunday night in a state of panic and euphoria, waking up throughout the night to search for the book on Amazon. I did that probably a dozen times…
10 Days
That’s how long I have to finish the rough draft of FayTown Calling. Why am I telling you that? Because I’m going to record my progress here. Let me lay this out in detail. I’m off work, ten days of wide open time to write and create, time I intend to use its full extent. The first third is pretty much done, enough that I’d be happy to let someone read it. The second third is rough but will really only need some polish. It’s that last third that’s going to be the tough part. Does this mean FayTown Calling will be out in June? No, sorry. After I’m “finished” there’s a good bit of editing that will need to happen. Not polish, I intend to polish it as best I can in these ten days as well, but still a lot of work to make sure it is presentable. It will however…
Sorcerer Rising is Now in Print
Finally, Sorcerer Rising is out on print. If anyone is interested in having a paper copy, you can buy it here.
FayTown Calling Cover Reveal
My cover artist just completed the FayTown Calling cover. That doesn’t meant the book is out yet, but now I have a big incentive to get going with it.
New Sorcerer Rising Cover
Earlier this year I commissioned a new book cover for Sorcerer Rising, as well as one for FayTown Calling. This is part of an effort to brand my Virgil McDane books, to make them run together. Karri Klawiter is the artist and she’s done a fantastic job. Gotta say, I never realized how bad mine looked until I saw this. Just can’t get over how good it looks. It’ll be up on the retail sites soon enough, with a paperback finally coming out the end of the week. I will have a reveal for FayTown Calling toward the end of the week. That…doesn’t exactly mean the book will be coming out then, but seeing the cover has goaded me into a new pace.