FayTown Calling Inventory

Spent the weekend taking inventory of FayTown Calling. There is more work than what I’m about to say, and I’ll get to that in a minute, but the majority of the inventory pointed out the last third of the book as needing the most attention. This comes from my last push at this where I took out most of the ending I had written. I wanted to take it in a different direction then and still do. Now I just need to write it. There are a few other parts, but that’s the biggest section.

Biggest section it may be, but not the biggest part. I said in my last post that I may not have been writing, but I’ve been thinking on all of it. That’s true, and I’ve got some themes I am going to need to streamline. Both from a storytelling perspective and from a Lore perspective.

Storytelling is a craft thing. I’m rusty but I’ll smooth that out with work and practice.

Lore, well, I cannot emphasize how seriously I take Lore. Virgil’s world is something I have been sculpting for seven or eight years. Things have been honed a lot, but it’s always been a living thing. In Sorcerer Rising, I introduced certain aspects of the world such as the Aether, the Guild, and the magic system (parts of it anyway). Mixed in were glimpses of things I intend to be larger, the Fay, the Order of the Ring, the Cathedral and the Sisters. The Fay and the Sisters of Truth play a central role in this story and in fleshing that out, I fleshed out more and more of my world, which changes some of the themes that I run into.

I want to ensure I get that right. I’m happy overall with Sorcerer Rising, but there were a few things about the end I just didn’t know how to wrap up. I obsess over my imperfections and have thought of a few different ways I could have handled that. I don’t want to paralyze myself with the thought that something could be better (because it can ALWAYS be better but never perfect, don’t let perfect get in the way of good, great, and done).

I have neither the time nor the patience for perfect, but it must be right.

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