FayTown Calling Update
Had a thought on the way to pick up dinner last night. That thought cascaded into a multitude of others and I think I have figured out a major flaw in the current story, as well as a way to correct it.
Funny how this works. I have played a few different puzzle games throughout the years, one of my favorites being Unblock Me. It’s a game you can play forever without really doing anything. Often times I would get stuck on a level, so tightly that I intimately knew all the moves I could make. I’d have to set it down. I’d pick it up later and without even trying, knock out the level and the next dozen after it.
It is perhaps the Procrastinator’s Faith, but I am a big believer that I am never not working on something.
I’m letting it stew.
Anyway, I’ll be working on the opening to FayTown Calling while continuing to stew on the end. None of the opening changes where I want to go, just helps set it up. The last third of the book is something that I’m still puzzling it through. I have written two incomplete versions of it. Both are similar and I am starting to think that’s the problem. I had an initial way I thought this would end and I kept to it. Then I realized that wasn’t working, so I made modifications. They weren’t small, but they weren’t all that different either. I’m thinking I need to go in a different direction.
This is one of those times when I wish I was one person in a two person team. I could talk through the specifics of this, bounce ideas off them, and have someone tell me what they think is smart or stupid. Instead, I’m going to talk to myself on the way to work tomorrow. Luckily Memphis doesn’t really have a public transportation system, otherwise that’d just be weird.
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