
New Sorcerer Rising Cover

Earlier this year I commissioned a new book cover for Sorcerer Rising, as well as one for FayTown Calling. This is part of an effort to brand my Virgil McDane books, to make them run together. Karri Klawiter is the artist and she’s done a fantastic job. Gotta say, I never realized how bad mine looked until I saw this. Just can’t get over how good it looks. It’ll be up on the retail sites soon enough, with a paperback finally coming out the end of the week. I will have a reveal for FayTown Calling toward the end of the week. That…doesn’t exactly mean the book will be coming out then, but seeing the cover has goaded me into a new pace.

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Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan

Every once and a while I pick up a book that makes me want to quit writing. It’s so good, so well thought out, so incredibly written, that I can’t help but think to myself that I will never, ever be this good and I can just quit. I love these books. The Name of the Wind is probably the best example of this. Promise of Blood is another. The basic premise is about a coup that ends with the execution of a nation’s king. There is a lot about why they overthrew him and how bad he was as a ruler, but that has little bearing. It seems like the people who overthrew him were really just sick of his shit, and had their own personal vendettas to boot. Everything is well written and the characters are great, but what I love, absolutely adore, is the magic. The world…

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