Twitch Plays Pokemon (or, in case you were wondering, the origin of Bird Jesus and All Praise the Helix Fossil)

My, that was definitely the longest title I’ve ever had.

Joystiq has the best summary of what all this involves, but I am so damn proud that I couldn’t help but write my own post on this.

A few weeks back, a single live edition of Pokemon Red hit the net. It is part of Twitch Channel (which I have no idea what is) but the idea is that it’s whoever is on giving commands to Red and driving him through the game.

Imagine, 70,000-120,000 players all trying to play a game at once.


But what has developed is one of the most surreal, and frankly, awe-inspiring moments in internet, gaming, and Pokemon.

What is so fascinating is the forces at play here. Bird Jesus and Omanyte vs Flareon, Anarchy vs Democracy, the “death” (really the release, but pretty much the same thing) of cherished Pokemon such as Charmander.

FrontI had no idea what any of this was when I started seeing the memes, but have quickly grown fascinated. Omanyte has never been a favorite of Pokemon fans, now he is the new and risen Christ of their world. Well, sort of, he also shares that distinction with Bird Jesus, apparently the only Pokemon anyone could agree on or drive forward.

It is filled with these moments. The challenge of the Safari Zone, the infamous diglett tunnel…that bastard who somehow blocked Red in by a table.

So far, Red is about to challenge the Elite 4. Gotta say, that’s going to be a challenge, but it’s a challenge I look forward to seeing.


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