Writing Status 6/27

Wow, it is almost July. Seems like just the other day we were celebrating the new year. Time flies, I guess.

So far, I am behind. My writing goal is pretty much shot to hell. Anniversaries, work stuff, etc. have limited that, as well as a big ol whallop of procrastination. As far as editing goes (and as bad a habit as this is, it’s my focus right now) I am on page 69 of 308. I actually should be on page 108, but didn’t do anything the weekend of my anniversary.

Plan on catching up this weekend, and spending a lot of time writing. Dean Wesley Smith says make a goal, try your best to stick to it, and if you get behind just keep with the plan. That’s what I am going to try and do.

But hell or high water, I am hitting this August 12th date.

That’s going to bite me in the ass.

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